Wednesday, December 21, 2011

December Update

DECEMBER 21, 2011

I am really nervous that my son is going to become autistic.
Well now, it’s much much worse... He flaps both his arms at the same time now constantly, and he like freezes and does this wrist thing... its weird.... he like curls his hands in “C” shapes kind of, and like locks them and shakes... its really odd.

He also likes to "organize" a lot, his organizing isn’t neat by any means, but he takes things from one spot, 1 at a time, and relocates them... and sometimes piles them.

He is very anti social all of a sudden and does not like it when you go near his face with yours... he doesnt like crowds, or even just a couple people... he feels invaded it seems like... he seems very anxious when people are around him.

My husband is worried about having another... as we are currently trying to conceive. I keep trying to tell him IF our son ends up being autistic... at least he will have a friend... someone close to him, and if our second is autistic it will be a BEST friend for him. I think if I get him into some sort of early Intervention program, it will help put all of us at some sort of ease.

I know they can develop normally then all of a sudden "stop developing: or sometimes they develop ok, but have some "things" about them.

He started walking at 15m and crawling at 11m... he’s not really talking except a few words, but I know all of that is normal, well at least on the END of normal.

I am so scared for my little man.

Below is a recent video. It does not really show the wrist and hand locking... i will have to get a better video.

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